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Below you will find a collection of videos and documentaries that speak about important environmental issues. They can also be a great source of inspiration for your future possible actions in the field.
All the pictures are linked, just click on them.
TED Talks
A collection of articles
on the topic of environment
The Story of Stuff
A look at our production
and consumption patterns
A film about how Earth's
problems are all interlinked
Binta and the great idea A liitle Senegalesegirl wants
to make the world better
Vanishing of the bees
A documentary about why
bees are in danger
Queen of the Sun
A film about bad beekeeping
and colony collapse disorder
The Yes Men Fix the World
Two political activists expose
the faults of big corporations
Garbage Island
A story about plastic waste
in the North Pacific Gyre
The Human Footprint
The film explores the impact
humans have on the planet
Blood coltan A film about warlords in East
Congo and mobile phones
The silence of bees What are the problems
bees are facing nowadays
A film about the inhumane
use of animals


Garbage Warrior
The story of a new type of
"radically sustainable" houses
The world according to
What are the firm's practices
The Age of Stupid
A film about climate
change from past to future


Ashes and Snow
Photographic artworks
about humans and animals
Food, Inc.
About America's corporate
controlled food industry
Super Size Me
A man lives only on
McDonald's food for a month
Promised Land
A film about corporations'
influence over resources
Project Wild Thing
A documentary about the
importance of playing outside
No Logo
About the incluence of